Press In

I have been feeling really squeezed the last few days. Seems like just about everywhere I turn, I’m being hampered, hindered. That the freedom of movement is restricted. In fact, yesterday my van wouldn’t start..wasn’t getting any fuel for some reason, like a vapor lock (a prophetic drama). Anyway, I had a quick little picture of an orange being squeezed, and that’s what it’s been feeling like.

The thing about that picture is this: the sweetness of the orange’s juice is released through the squeezing, the pressing. We have the Living Water to release, we have the Sweet Juice of the New Wine to pour out, we have the LIFE OF GOD to let flow. But, that requires something of us. The willingness to press in to be pressed out.

Here is what I hear from Papa:

“This is the day of great suddenlies,” says the Lord. “I have told you that, revealed it to your heart; given it into your hands. And, My children, I have not changed My mind, or gone back on My Word.” “This IS the day of great outpouring. But, it is also the day of PRESSING IN.” “There are battles to be fought and won, land to be taken. This calls for HOLY WARRIORS, who are steadfast and fearless in faith; who have been trained in My Secret Chambers–the deep places of intimacy, hidden away. Where My Word is poured over them like fresh oil; where My Voice is to them like sweet, fragrant spices. Where all the old garments are stripped away and new garments of glory are put on them. My Secret Chambers of Love.” “These are the days of My WORSHIPING BRIDE, who is passionate in her love for Me, who seeks only My Presence, and who adorns herself with the garments of praise.”
“These are the days in which I AM pouring forth an Esther anointing. This anointing is Kingly Authority for Kingdom Victory. This anointing is for the purpose of releasing great authority upon the land, to the tearing down of enemy strongholds, and the defeating of every plan against My Kingdom.” “This anointing is found in My Secret Chambers of Love-and no other place.”
“Therefore, do not despair over what seems delay in what I have promised. Keep yourselves in this place of humility. For I AM building My House within you. I AM placing the souls of My Feet within the sanctuary of your heart. YOU ARE MY PLACE OF REST..” ” I AM giving you new anointing for this new day. I AM extending My Right Hand. And the hidden times are swiftly coming to an end. The time of preparation is over. The time of PRESENTATION is at hand. For you will soon, very soon, step forward with My Glory–a radiant Bride of Kingdom of Authority. And, in these coming days, you will see Me move on your behalf swiftly and suddenly.” “Press in, press in…”

So, be encouraged, fellow travelers. It is a good day to press in and allow whatever pressure our loving Lord applies that the sweet New Wine will flow. Yes, it’s a very good day!!

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