Ordinary People of Miraculous Faith

There is a movement of men and women who are tired of anemic faith, of religious platitudes and the ‘form of godliness’ without any power. Men and women who not only believe God can do extraordinary things, miraculous things; but, that he will in fact do those very things in their lives.

There is an ‘Awakening’ happening right now. Many, myself included, believe it is the beginnings of the 3rd Great Awakening..a global move of God bringing salvation, deliverance, and healing throughout the nations.

And, the instrument of this Awakening is Ecclesia..the true ‘church’–Blood redeemed believers filled with the Spirit of God who will move with the governmental authority of Heaven to bring about powerful spiritual changes to the earth realm. This powerful move of God will be seen as one of radical Love, mercy, truth, and justice. It will not be one of violent, virulent hatred toward men; but, one that will storm the gates of hell in the Spirit and see every stronghold of the enemy crumble to dust.

This powerful authority will impact every area of life; first in the personal life of the believer, and then spreading out to every nation on earth. There is not a need God cannot meet, a desire God cannot fulfill, a hope he cannot bring forth like a tree of life. This is what is stirring in ordinary people of miraculous faith.

This video clip is the first of 2 parts. A word brought to Revival Outreach Center, Dover, Fl. May it stir your faith, and fan into flame the gift of God within you.

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