A Matter of Energy, Part 2


“A spiritual kingdom lies all about us, enclosing us, embracing us, altogether within reach of our inner selves waiting for us to recognize it. God Himself is here waiting our response to His presence. The eternal world will come alive to us the moment we begin to reckon upon it reality.”

I don’t want to overwork quotes by A.W. Tozer, but his words here do help to clarify what I mean when I say all things issue forth out of the eternal world. God Himself is indeed here. We exist because He is. The eternal life of Elohim is the energy of all that exists.


Any discussion about the nature of God, or what God is, will be faulty at best. We don’t have the capacity in the natural to fully express or explain the eternal. However, in looking at what Scripture says about God and seeing how science really does support it we find we are able to move away from our rigid religious bias, and move into a place of truth that has been right before us all the time.


God is a person. That is clearly established in Scripture. He thinks, feels, hears, speaks, and moves as any person does. The personality of God is full and complete. There is, to be sure, an obvious difference between the personality of God and that of man. This can be seen in the Gospel of John where Jesus states, “God is spirit..” (John 4:24). I think the word “spirit” is important. The word in the Greek means, “wind or breath”. It’s easy for me to connect this to energy; for, what is wind and breath but the perceptible movement of energy. But, now consider the same word in the orthodox Hebrew translation of the Bible. It is the word, “Ruach Hakodesh”, meaning “Holy Spirit”. I find that fascinating but not surprising. The Greeks were very stoic philosophically, rejecting the emotional, physical, and personal especially when it came to God. For them, God was more of an ideal or idea; thus, it could be easy to use a word describing Him as energy. The Hebrew understanding was the complete opposite. Their experience of God was personal and direct. He was to them a very real person. So, as I look at Jesus’ statement, I can actually see both aspects of the Greek and Hebrew translation. I mean this: Jesus declares the essence of God is spirit, so there is the reality presented that is not purely physical in nature. However, He immediately personifies, or personalizes God as He speaks of the Father’s desire for relationship. Father is seeking those who will enter into His eternal realm (worship in spirit) to embrace and experience Him, who is Truth. He is shifting the paradigm from the earthly, physical realm to the spiritual, heavenly realm. This is what the 3rd Great Awakening is about. It is the shift of reality, the awakening to relationship as profound, deep and real as the most powerful relationship we experience in life.


There is a wonderful revelation of what I mean in a verse used twice in the Bible. First use is in Genesis 2:24: “For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother, and be joined to his wife; and they shall be one flesh.”  (NASB) This, of course, is about Adam and Eve, and the deep intimacy of their physical life, their union as husband and wife. Consider, now, the other place this verse is used, Ephesians 5:31. The Apostle Paul quotes this same verse applying it to Christ and His Church, His Bride. The connection is stunning! God desires our relationship to Him to be as tangible, as real, intimate and physical as that of a marriage between a man and woman. The beauty in all this is that we are uniquely created to enjoy such a relationship.

We are made in God’s image. We are made of the same ‘stuff’ that makes up who God is. We are designed to be one with Him. This oneness, or unity, happens first of all in the realm of energy and is what lies behind the words, “eternal life”. This coming into unity or oneness does not imply ‘absorption’ of one into the other so as to lose all identity, far from it. My wife, Donna, and I became one in our marriage, but we still maintain our own unique personalities. What has happened is that through our union there is an alignment, an agreement, set in place and the power of that agreement moves us far beyond all we could ever do on our own. So it is with our unity, or union, with God. Truth is we actually begin to experience who we really are and why we’re here. We begin to live as we were designed to live from before the foundation of the world. It is all a matter of alignment and goes deep within us at the subatomic levels of our cells. Think of it! Eternal life is not something we hope to get when we die, some “pie-in-the-sky” future. It is the life of Elohim activated within our total being, here and now. It is a real, tangible life we can experience in physical ways every day.

How does this happen? How do we begin to ‘know’ or experience God in ways as physical and real as any earthly relationships? For me, the answer rests in Albert Einstein’s words about ‘matter’. Matter is really, “energy vibrating at various frequencies so as to be perceptible.” In short, when we embrace the spiritual Kingdom of God and pursue a deeper relationship with Him; then, the Kingdom of God becomes progressively more real. We find ourselves aligning with the heart of God, and this alignment, this unity, causes us to literally vibrate at frequencies designed not only to awaken us, but to energize us in the outworking of our very destiny.

It is a matter of energy. Not is some vague, unfocused, ethereal way; but, energy vibrating, moving, at various frequencies so as to be experienced. We literally begin to know the reality of “Christ in you, the hope of glory.” This is what this Great Awakening is all about. Call it hearing the “Voice of the Lord,” call it the releasing of the “Sound of Heaven.” Call it what you will. But, I personally believe it is the awakening of the church to the Frequencies of Heaven that resonate the Father’s heart. These will not only transform us completely, moving us from glory to glory; but, will change this world.

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