A Matter of Energy, Part 1



I am on the most fascinating, wondrous adventure of my life. It’s been said that St Francis of Assisi, a man captivated by God’s Presence and intoxicated with His love, described his journey of faith as a “Mad Adventure in God.” Don’t know if he really said that, but it’s certainly how I feel in many ways. This journey, adventure, is really a quest to explore ever more deeply the heart of God and discover the great treasures waiting there. It is exhilarating, captivating, intoxicating, and all consuming.


My desire, in these that I am calling “musings”, is to share my thoughts coming out of the revelations and insights Holy Spirit is giving me so that you, dear Reader, may be inspired to join me on the way.


I have far more questions than answers. I am filled more with the sense of mystery than I am certainty. However, one thing I am certain of is that we are in a time of Great Awakening unlike anything we’ve experienced before. God is stirring the hearts of His people to a greater awareness of our true identity and purpose in Him and His Eternal Kingdom.


This Awakening stands outside the confines of religious dogma. It will not be pressured, manipulated or controlled by religious and governmental powers, nor will it be swayed by the opinions of men; for, it is an Awakening to the Eternal Presence of God and the reality of Heaven on earth here, now. The Apostle Paul tells us in his letter to the church in Rome that, “For the anxious longing of the creation waits eagerly for the revealing of the sons of God.” (Romans 8:19) This is what this Awakening is all about as more and more hearts of the Redeemed are awakened to true reality of the heart of God.


I am pulling on both scripture and science for there is great harmony between them. I am also drawing on personal experience, for faith is made real in the “knowing”, the intimate experience of life. I do not pretend to be an expert in what I seek to share. I am simply on a grand, “mad adventure”, and invite you along.


“[Now] He is the exact likeness of the unseen God [the visible representation of the invisible]; He is the Firstborn of all creation. For it was in Him that all things were created, in heaven and on earth, things seen and things unseen, whether thrones, dominions, rulers, or authorities; all things were created and exist through Him [by His service, intervention] and in and for Him. And He Himself existed before all things, and in Him all things consist (cohere, are held together).” Colossians 1:15-17 amp

Every adventure has a beginning. Mine can be found within these beautiful words of the Apostle Paul. He writes not only of the preeminence of Christ, but the reality of existence of all things through Him and in Him.

The very word “existence” opens us to a place of thought that is vast. Libraries of the world are filled with the works of theologians, philosophers, and scholars all pondering the questions: “Who am I?”, “Where did I come from?”, “Why am I here?”. I don’t think we need to be put off by such weighty studies. In fact, I believe God is opening great doors of understanding through Holy Spirit, who is Wisdom and Revelation. We are now awakening to the truth of what it means to “have the mind of Christ” (1 Cor. 2:16), and, to go deep into the mysteries of God. As we lean into Holy Spirit, I truly believe we will begin to release the Light of God’s Eternal Word in ways that will bring great change in this earth.

That said, I want to focus on a specific area Holy Spirit opened up within me. To do that, I am bringing the subject of existence down to one word: ENERGY.

Everything in the universe and beyond, visible and invisible, is energy. This energy moves, vibrates ceaselessly with infinite frequencies. Albert Einstein is famously quoted as saying, “What we think of matter, is really energy vibrating at various frequencies so as to be perceptible. There is no matter.” It’s all a matter of energy.

This isn’t something we think of as we go about our daily activities. Our five senses (taste, touch, sight, hearing, smell) are operational in a dominant way; yet, we do sense something more. It is an inner awareness of a life beyond this life. An unseen realm not governed by the laws of nature and physics as we understand them. It is such an other-worldly realm that we often speak of it as heavenly and miraculous. We can see this awareness all though human history. That sensing of both the seen and unseen, the earthly and the heavenly, the mundane and the miraculous, temporal and eternal. There is no surprise here, for Scripture clearly states that God has, “set eternity in every human heart.” (Ecclesiastes 3:11)

Just about every religion has this foundation. There is the earthly realm of man and the heavenly realm of God. They are distinct, clear, real. But, it is right here that I see a perception of truth deeply embedded in our religious mindset. Simply, the two realms are not only distinct from each other; but, they are also completely separate. Man lives on earth, God lives in Heaven. Man lives out his life and dies, then he goes to heaven-up, out there somewhere. To be sure, God does interact with man on earth through sovereign moves or actions, answering prayers and working miracles. However, there is a vast gulf between heaven and earth. This perception is so deeply entrenched that it is difficult for the average believer to believe otherwise.  I submit that this perception of truth is not true at all. The truth is that there is only one realm from which all things issue forth.

The proof is seen both in science and Scripture. Science recognizes and validates in many ways “First Cause”; that all that exists must have an ultimate, or original source outside of itself. It cannot create itself. I find that overwhelmingly science speaks of this “First Cause” or original source as an impersonal, indiscriminate force. Scripture, however, reveals the reality of a Person with it’s opening words, “In the beginning God”. A.W. Tozer wrote:

“He (God) is real in the absolute and final sense that nothing else is. All other reality is contingent upon His. The great Reality is God, the Author of that lower and dependent reality which makes up the sum of created things, including ourselves. God has objective existence independent of and apart from any notions which may have concerning Him. The worshiping heart does not create its Object.”

Just who is this great Reality? Christ, Himself. The Eternal Son, very God of very God, existing outside all that is, simply existing in and as He is–I AM. He is the One who creates out of Himself all things. Now, they do not separate themselves from Him to exist on their own outside of Him; but, are continually issuing forth out of His Being. I personally used the Amplified translation of Colossians 1:15-17 because of the expansion of the word, “consist”–cohere, are held together. If we go to Hebrews chapter one we find the writer stating of Christ the Eternal Son:

“He is the sole expression of the glory of God [the Light-being, the out-ray or radiance of the divine], and He is the perfect imprint and very image of [God’s] nature, upholding and maintaining and guiding and propelling the universe by His mighty word of power.” (Heb. 1:3)

I will come back to this again. Right now I only wanted to zero in on the truth of Source of all things. Both Scripture and science agree in the fact of the Ultimate Reality. But, it is Scripture and the experience of the Blood-redeemed that rightly identify the Reality as the person of God. Which does lead me to one last question. It is vital to understanding this journey, so bear with me just a bit longer. Question: “What does God look like?”

May sound a bit silly, but it isn’t. After all, if the Creator, the One who sustains all that exists, is a Person (and He is), then there must be an image we can actually see, behold. Seeing/beholding God is woven into the fabric of Scripture. Elohim, our God, desires we actually see Him. It is part of an intimate, eternal life. Unfortunately, religion has set in place such misleading and unreal ideas about the Person of God. Think about it a moment. God is ‘an old man in the sky’, ‘the man upstairs’; or, He is so unfocused and generalized that any encounter is fleeting, unseeing emotion.

Make no mistake, God is a Person. But, He is radically different than the religious image. John, the Apostle, speaks of God and says, “God is light, in Him there is not darkness at all.”(1 Jn. 1:5) John is not talking about God’s behavior (i.e. that God does not, cannot sin), but of the essence of His Being, His person hood.

I began by setting in place this truth: everything is energy. The Source, First Cause, Ultimate Reality is Elohim, who in His absolute being is PURE ENERGY. Please hear me in this. I repeat what I said earlier: God is a Person. I am not reducing Him to a cosmic force or universal mind or any other reductionist theory of His being. The person of God is not only firmly established in Scripture, but also in Christian principle and belief. We, human beings, are created in His image precisely so that we are capable of relationship, intimate and deep.

But, the Person of God is radically different than we think. Consider well John’s words: “God is Light”. Light, like sound, is energy. It vibrates with frequencies in a way that makes it perceptible. For us to ‘see’ God, we must tune into, or come into alignment with Him. The miracle is that we are created with the capacity to ‘tune in’ to God’s frequency, for we carry in our very DNA His image. But, seeing God requires something of us. It requires we go deep into Him. We must immerse ourselves in His Presence. We must develop the ears to hear and the eyes to see by leaning into Holy Spirit to be led into the deep places of His heart. Casual, flippant, carnal religious practices will not bring us to that place. Rigid fundamentalism will leave us always in the outer courts. Only the burning heart that seeks one thing-Presence-will bring us into that alignment. Again and again, men and women bear witness to this, both in biblical record and personal testimony. How consistent is the witness of those who encounter God. They enter the place of Light, of the Splendor of His majesty. They are overwhelmed in the Sound and Fire and Glory.

The Church is being awakened in this hour to the reality of Heaven on earth, God’s eternal Kingdom already here. There is a growing number of the Blood Redeemed who are beginning to hear the Sound of Heaven, not resounding from far off; but, rising within like a flood. The Sound of Heaven is the very heart of Father, resonating with frequencies beyond every thought or imagination. Made in God’s image, we have woven into the fabric of our beings a unique ‘bandwidth’ giving us the ability to tune into God’s frequencies. Through the Blood of the Lamb, we’ve been brought near that we might taste and see the Lord is good. The time is now, not to tune out, but to tune in. Time to leave behind the shallow life of religion, blind to the Presence of the Lord, deaf to the Sound of His Voice. It’s the time of Awakening!

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