Fruitful Trees of Life

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.” (Galatians 5:22-23)

I heard this passage over and over in my sleep last night. It was like a soundtrack running behind my , now forgotten, dreams.

These words are important for us as we come to the end of 2010. Already there are many voices being raised about the coming year. They are, for the most part, raising alarms concerning the economy and safety of our nation. They are speaking ‘fear’ into the hearts and minds of many people already struggling after a tough year.

Now, I am not suggesting we are not going to face some real serious challenges in 2011; however, there has been a strong, consistent word rising within my spirit. God has already said to “Lift your eyes and behold, the HARVEST is NOW.” He has said, “Be vigilant, be watchful. Look for your BREAKTHROUGH, your HARVEST, in places you would not think to look. Things are not what they seem to be for My Ways are not your ways. Keep your eyes open, always looking for MY is new, it is surprising, it is MIRACLE. And, you will not fail in what I have called you to. For, I AM more than enough–all is well.”

So, I am listening to these words about the ‘fruit of the Spirit’ and this is what I am hearing:  The Lord says:

“You are hearing of wars and rumors of wars; of famine and storms; of the rising and falling of nations. There is a mighty shaking and convulsing in the earth, and it has captured your attention, and has caused your heart to tremble.”

“Fear not. Did I not tell you there would always be such things? Do not be afraid. Did I not also tell you that I AM with you ALWAYS? Yes, and more. I AM FOR YOU. You are Mine and I will not turn My back upon you; nor, will I renounce My Covenant or break My Promises to you.”

“I have called you for such a time as this. And, I AM positioning you even now to be My Fruitful Trees of Life in this land.”

The Lord says, “The ‘fruit’ within you is full, ripe, abundant. It is MY PRESENCE. It is MY LIFE in you. You lack nothing. You have all things for all things are Mine. And, I give to you beyond measure that you will pour out My Presence, My Life upon all you meet.”

“Therefore, Beloved, move with purpose in the days ahead. In every word, every deed, seek to release love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.”

“Do not merely look for My Glory to be manifested in your gatherings, in your meetings of radical worship and praise. My Glory indeed pours forth in such times and places, for there is power in our corporate times together. But, you miss your calling and your purpose if you restrict My Moving to such a narrow view of My Kingdom.”

“Open your eyes. Behold, I AM putting before you a SUDDEN BREAKTHROUGH of FRESH ANOINTING for the days ahead. I AM positioning you to BE the very  manifestation of My PRESENCE in the land. Therefore, consider well who I AM, and who I AM in you.

“I AM LOVE. There is nothing in Me that is not love. You are to release My Love to the unloved, the unlovely. You are to bind up the broken hearted with the anointing of Love. Let the Fresh Anointing of Love flow from you in the land so full of hatred and violence. Watch and see what I will do with that love. It will be like a drink of cool water upon the thirsty hearts. Great is the power of My Love.”

“I AM JOY. My Joy is your salvation and your strength. Now, is the day of dancing and the day of NEW SONGS OF JOY upon the land. In a nation filled with such sorrow and heavy hearts of worry and fear, RELEASE THE SOUND OF JOY, it is the SOUND OF HEAVEN. Truly you will see the atmosphere around you shake and shift. You will SEE with your eyes all around you be lifted as the heavy burdens of sorrow, grief, doubt, fear broken off. LIFT UP, LIFT UP PRAISE, and all will Taste and See that I AM good.”

“I AM PEACE. I AM the Prince of Peace. I bring a peace that passes all understanding. And, I call you to manifest before all men MY PEACE. In this land filled with such hatred and discord, pour forth peace. Guard, therefore, your heart; and, watch your tongue; for, what proceeds from within your heart, and sounds forth from your mouth will bring either life, or death. Beloved, the only place I command you to speak with My Furious Authority is to the place of Darkness-to the principalities and powers, forces of darkness in the heavenlies. But, to all men I command you to release PEACE. Peace to all hatred. Peace to all discord. Peace to all warfare. Peace to all who are flailing about on the stormy seas. Watch what I will do in such an hour; for, I AM PEACE.”

“I AM PATIENCE. I AM slow to anger and abounding in love. Therefore, Beloved, move slowly through the land. Be quick to listen and slow to respond. Do not be rash or hasty for it will only lead you into a place of reaction. And, reaction will only lead to greater conflict and even failure. Be still and know. Be still and KNOW. For from the quiet rest in Me flows the power of real transformation. This nation is restless. Rushing, racing, scattering. As you walk with quiet purpose upon the restless land you; as you stand quiet in the midst of the storm and chaos; you will release a power that will cause all men to pause. And, in that pause they will see Me.”

“I AM KINDNESS. Oh, so much trauma! Hearts wounded deeply by rude, cynical, sarcastic voices. Lives abused and ruined by angry, bullying spirits. But, I AM kind. Mercy and grace flow from My Throne like a river. You will release the fresh flow of My Kindness in these days ahead. You will be My HEALERS pouring forth the healing OIL OF KINDNESS.”

“I AM GOODNESS. There is no place where My Goodness does not reach. I AM good, and you shall move forward in a land torn by dark forces showering goodness like a Spring rain. Evil cannot stand before My Goodness. It is the blazing light of My Glory. Therefore, be aware of such great power flowing through you. In these days of deceivers, liars, manipulators, and seducers; I AM sending you forth. And, you shall refute all lies, uncover all deception, reveal the seduction and manipulation leading people into dark places of bondage. All this you shall do by My Spirit. I AM good. All that flows from Me is good. And, the effects of My Goodness bring life.”

“I AM FAITH-FULL. Walk in faith. Draw near to Me, and watch how powerfully I release all things into your hands for the purpose of My Glory. FAITH, the substance of My Presence, is the very armor you wear in this hour. No weapon forged against you will prevail for FAITH is your shield, your protection, your victory. Therefore, again I tell you not to let your circumstances dictate how you will live. I call you to a new realm of true power and authority. Open your eyes to see beyond what others see. Stand firm in My Faith, and watch what I will do. ALL IS WELL! Your faith will, in these days of turmoil, draw many to Me. For they will see you living, not in your own strength and by your own understanding; but, by My Power. Rising above all things a Victorious Bride.”

“I AM GENTLE. Oh, Beloved, do not be harsh. Do not be brash, or arrogant. Embrace the spirit of humility and purity. For these release gentleness. How this land, so torn by violence, needs what you carry! Gentleness lifts the fallen, quiets the distraught, comforts the grieving, shelters the fearful, turns away the wrath of the wounded. My Grace is gentle, as is My Mercy. Pour this out like a healing balm, a soothing ointment. Step lightly on this land. You will see with your eyes how swiftly others will come to you; for, they are seeing Me, the Good and Gentle Shepherd. And, in their seeing, they are set free.

“I AM SELF-CONTROL. What do I mean, Beloved? I mean, I AM Spirit and I AM Truth. I AM Wisdom and I AM Revelation. I set forth the ‘paths of righteousness’ and set your feet upon them for the sake of My Name. I call you to WALK WITH ME. And, in this, you become a person of purpose. You walk with certainty and confidence. This is not the certainty and confidence of men, rooted in ego, vanity and pride; built upon the systems of men with their vain rules and regulations. NO, it is the settlement of heart and mind in Me. Walking as I walk. Embracing My Ways and Thoughts as your own. I say to you, in these days in which so many throw off restraint, and are tossed about by every wind of doctrine and cunning plan of man; you, Beloved, shall be for them a Light shining in the darkness. Say often, ‘I am in Christ and He is in me.’ Say it often, ‘I no longer live but Christ is my life.’ Look always for My Presence in every moment of the day. This is true ‘self-control’–it is truly SPIRIT CONTROL. It is what I mean when I tell you to ‘LIVE BY THE SPIRIT, AND YOU WILL NOT GRATIFY THE DESIRES OF THE SINFUL NATURE.'”

The Lord says, “These are the days of My Fruitful Trees of Life. From out of your innermost being shall flow RIVERS OF LIVING WATER. This is the time of the REVEALING OF THE SONS, with a fresh anointing for the purpose of the Rapid Expansion of My Kingdom. Now, is the time of GREAT HARVEST, for a mighty outpouring of My Glory. You are the Fruit of My Spirit, and I AM the FRUIT OF YOUR LIFE. Rejoice, for these coming days are GLORIOUS!”

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