Sleep Walking





I was reading Song of Songs lately and my eyes rested on the words of the Beloved, “I slept but my heart was awake..”. As I reflect on them, I sense the Lord saying, “It’s time to stop sleep walking. It’s time to wake up.” That, of course, grabs my attention for it has tremendous importance for these days in which we live. But, before I speak about what I believe the Lord has for us here, I want to set the stage upon which His words are playing out.

We exist in an unfathomable sea of frequencies. Quantum Physics had proven the source of these frequencies in what is called “String Theory”. According to Brian Greene, professor of physics and mathematics at Columbia University, these ‘strings’ are:

“the elementary ingredients of the universe..tiny, one-dimensional filaments somewhat like infinitely thin rubber bands, vibrating to and fro….they are ultramicroscopic ingredients making up the particles out of which atoms themselves are made….Each elementary particle is composed of a single string-that is, each particle IS a single string-and all strings are absolutely identical. Differences between the particles arise because their respective strings undergo different resonant vibrational patterns. What appear to be different elementary particles are actually different “notes” on a fundamental string. The universe-being composed of an enormous number of these vibrating strings-is akin to a cosmic symphony.”(“the Elegant Universe”, pp. 136,146).

Let what he says sink in a moment. We exist in an ocean of stunningly beautiful sound. This sound is what I mean when I speak of the SOUND OF HEAVEN, the Voice of God. He continually speaks all things into existence and sustains it all with the sound of His voice. Actually, if quantum physics is correct, God is not so much speaking as He is SINGING all things into existence; and, it is this SONG OF THE LORD that resonates throughout the entire universe. And, never as much as it resonates within man, created in His image.

Scripture is filled with this truth. The prophet Zephaniah declares that the Lord rejoices over us with “singing” (Zeph. 3:17). Over and over we find all of Creation, the entire universe, not only filled with the Song of the Lord; but, responding with its own song in worship and praise. In fact, the word, “universe”, is made of two words: ’uni’ (one) and ‘verse’ (song). This powerful reality has its fullest expression in man. You and I are created to not only resonate with the Sound of Heaven like the rest of Creation; but, to engage and expand the Sound, co-creating with God in releasing the Song of the Lord with ever increasing glory.

Which brings me back to the beginning and the words of the Beloved in Song of Songs and what the Lord said about ‘sleep walking’.

Sleep Walking is the common term for “Somnambulism” that originates in deep sleep and results, not only in a person walking; but, also in their performing complex behaviors while being asleep, and having no idea what they are doing. It is labeled as a ‘behavior disorder’, and when I think of a disorder I think of something that is out of alignment, in a state of ‘dis-order’ or disturbance. The place where this exists is deep within, in the realm of frequencies. So, a sleep walking person is walking out the dominant frequency pattern at work within them. This can serve as a prophetic picture of what I hear the Lord saying. He is calling us to pay attention to what is resonating within that is dominating our lives. It’s all about frequencies.

The vibration of the infinite frequencies is according to ‘patterns’. These patterns form the basis for how life is lived. We can think of this in the patterns of musical notes that form the basis how a song is played. A composer uses patterns of notes in such a way to form, or create the structure of the song. The musician then follows those patterns, and in doing so, releases the song as intended by the composer. This has real implications for us because how we live is determined by the pattern that resonates the strongest within us.

Our first parents lived fully in one paradigm, resonating with one pattern, the heavenly pattern of their true identity and purpose. After the Great Deception in Genesis 3:5 all that shifted. The serpent set in place a second paradigm that became man’s dominant reality. Keep in mind, the enemy has no power to create anything; however, he is a master at taking what God creates and manipulating, twisting, and stirring created things in order to bring about disorder and chaos. His only purpose and drive is to kill, steal, and destroy. So, he played on man’s break in union with God to stir up the frequencies in the Sound of Heaven setting up patterns that divided man’s focus into two paradigms. Now, man’s attention was not only on the heavenly realm, but also on the earthly realm. Such a duality is unsustainable. To play off the words of Jesus,

“No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. (Matt. 6:24)”

We can find this proven out in quantum physics in what is called the ‘Observer Effect’. Simply, all things exist as possibilities until observed, or chosen; then that which is chosen becomes the reality and all other possibilities collapse. This is exactly the situation we find ourselves in.

We have allowed the earthly pattern to become so dominant that, although we believe in the eternal Kingdom of God, it is not a true reality. It only exists in the realm of possibility. The result is that we are like sleep walkers. Our hearts may be awake to the reality of God; but, we live as though the Kingdom is not real at all.

So, the Lord says: “It’s time to stop sleep walking. It’s time to wake up.” And, that is what is happening at this kairos moment.

Like many, I am sensing a shift in the atmosphere. In the midst of great turbulence in our world a new sound is arising that is stirring the hearts of the Redeemed. I believe we are beginning to witness an Awakening far beyond our hopes and dreams, one of deliverance and healing not only throughout the global community of man; but, also all of Creation.

We are at that place; but, it is vital to understand that this Awakening is not an ‘event’; but, the shifting of paradigm from the pattern of this world back to the pattern of Heaven, our true prime reality. As more and more Blood-redeemed children of God return to the Heavenly Pattern, the pattern of the world collapses and the Kingdom of God which previously existed only as a possibility becomes real. It is this Kingdom reality that is growing and emerging in this hour. The Apostle Paul put it this way:

“Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” (Romans 12:2)

Paul is speaking of a shift in paradigm from the natural realm to the supernatural realm, from the earthly to the spiritual. It’s a matter of choice resulting in a collapse of the old and the emerging of the new. This choice; however, is not a singular, one-time decision, but a moment by moment choosing to go deep into the Secret Place of intimate union with Christ. Go back to Song of Songs. The Beloved’s heart was awakened to the voice of her Lover, “Listen! My lover is knocking: “Open to me, my sister, my darling, my dove, my flawless one.”

We will only begin to experience an ever deepening reality of the Kingdom of God when we respond to the voice of our Love and enter ever more deeply into His Presence. For it is from this place of resonance within the pattern of Heaven, empowered by the Song of the Lord, that we will truly walk in our identity and purpose of deliverance and healing of all Creation.


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