Shine On!

Arise, Shine, for the GLORY of the LORD is upon you! The Glory of God is not something for a distant time and place; but, for our lives NOW-right here on this earth.

It is the Glory of God that shatters the darkness of death, unbelief, destruction of every kind.

Creation is groaning, yearning, longing for the GLORY to be revealed in and through the Blood redeemed sons of God. Because it is in that Glory creation will find her freedom.

With so many voices of darkness shouting ‘death’; with so many forces of wickedness in the land seeking to keep man in bondage to fear…NOW is the time for the righteous to rise up in the Glory of the Lord and release His Blood-covered Light–to SHINE!

The following track is from live, prophetic worship at The Covenant Center on September, 29th. The main vocal is Ryan Sylva, and wonderful artist. Hope you enjoy it. Be blessed.


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