I Am the Light-Entering Glory

The Eternal Word of God became flesh and dwelt among us. The Son of God became the Son of Man to fully model for us the life we are to live.

Jesus described himself many ways. One was: “I am the light of the world.” Light not only brings clarity or makes visible things out of darkness; but, also is tremendous power.

As we look at Jesus, the Eternal Light, we gain clarity or truly see who we are and what God desires for us. Jesus then releases his Eternal Light to empower us to live that abundant life.

But, this does not just happen ‘to’ us. It is a process requiring our engagement in it. There is nothing closer to Father’s heart than prayer and worship. These alone will release his power for living.

It’s time to enter the Glory! This video is a word brought to Revival Outreach Center, and sets the stage for a time of prophetic worship that drew us all into the Glory, into God’s Presence (this worship will follow on this page soon). Be blessed.

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