It is the Christmas Season, and carols are playing everywhere. Now, one in particular was resonating in my heart this morning: “Joy to the World”, and I began to think of that word JOY.

Deuteronomy 16:15b–…”For the Lord your God will bless you in all your harvest and in all the work of your hands, and your JOY will be complete.”

JOY–dictionary defines it as: The emotion evoked by well-being, success, or good fortune or by the prospect of possessing what one desires, a state of happiness or felicity : Bliss.

It is to experience great pleasure. It is to EXPERIENCE–to FEEL. And, the angel declared, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great JOY that will be for all people.” In other words, JOY TO THE WORLD.

It is resounding throughout the atmosphere, carried on the wind—Do not be afraid, do not fear, there is good news of great JOY.

I hear the Lord saying, “You have been in a great struggle. You have labored hard in this world only to see what you have worked so hard to gain slip through your fingers like sand. In these days of great sifting, great shaking, many voices have been speaking words of fear-fear for your finances, fear for your health, fear for your freedom. And, these words have caused a cloud of darkness to settle upon the land, and upon your heart.”

“But, these words are not My Words,” says the Lord. “For I AM not a God of fear. I AM a God of LOVE, PERFECT LOVE. And, perfect Love casts out all fear.”

“Know this, My children. You have lost nothing. What has slipped, as it were, through your fingers is not lost. I AM the God of INCREASE, always INCREASE. I AM the God of ABUNDANCE, always and eternally MORE. And, what you have labored over will indeed bring to you a wonderful harvest.”

The Lord says, “Be awake and vigilant through the watches of the night, during these days of darkness. For, My Glory SHINES IN THE DARKNESS. My Glory shines like the sun in all its brilliance, destroying the darkness with the LIGHT.”

“This Light is the LIGHT OF LOVE. It is My Presence, for I AM coming to you in My Glory, in My Love. And, My BLESS is upon you,” says the Lord.

“Here, then, is GOOD NEWS–I AM coming, I AM HERE; and, My Bless is upon you. DO NOT BE AFRAID,” says the Lord. “No, do not be afraid; but, be filled with JOY; for in the days ahead your harvest will appear before you. The harvest of your finances; the harvest of your health; the harvest of your freedom–the harvest will appear before you, an abundant harvest.”

“And, you will truly ENJOY all the work of your hands.” The Lord says, “And, this will bring great joy to the world; for, I AM pouring out your harvest with such abundance that it will spread out to right and to the left. It will flow like a mighty river to the North, South, East, and West. And, it will cause such healing in the Land, that the very world will experience your liberty, and be brought into your JOY.”


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