Intimate Faith

We were created by God for an intimate relationship with Him. When Adam was created Father leaned close, face to face, literally ‘mouth to mouth’, and breathed the Breath of Life into him. Adam became a living being and the very first thing he saw when he opened his eyes was Father’s face. This is the Divine Pattern for us all.

Adam and Eve lived according to that pattern. And, it terrified the enemy. So, he worked the deception of Genesis 3:5 to break intimacy, to separate man from his union with God. Now, we struggle, strive, work endlessly to try to find the approval, the connection we were meant to have.

That connection is found in Christ Jesus. The ‘reconnection’ is found in our returning to our FIRST LOVE. And, the reality of that is that we then begin to: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength.” (Deut. 6:5)

It is a matter of embracing the Divine Pattern with an Undivided Heart..and from that place the power of an intimate faith flows and we begin to live a bigger than life, life.

This video is a word brought to Revival Outreach Center, February 3, 2013. An important word for the church in these days of such upheaval in our land. Watch and be blessed.

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