Enter into the Rest

Psalm 16:2,5-6,9,11: “I said to the Lord, “You are my Lord; apart from you I have no good thing.” Lord, you have assigned me my portion and my cup; you have made my lot secure. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance. Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure…You have made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.”

This morning I’m thinking about ‘restlessness’-it seems that so many of us are just being pushed and pulled in a hundred different directions at the same time. It’s a feeling, kind of like being on ‘pins and needles’; of not being able to settle down.

Maybe it’s just me? But, I don’t think so. Anyway, as I sit with this, and meditate on the verses from Psalm 16, I hear the Lord say:

“Quiet yourselves; be still and know that I AM the Lord your God. Do not allow anything in thought, word, or deed that would bring a spirit of restlessness enter your gates or step foot upon your land.”

“For restlessness in your body is evidence that you have moved away from Me,” says the Lord. “And, have let the things of this world gain control over you.”

“All discomfort, discouragement, fear, doubt, dis-ease, resentment find fertile soil within you when you open the gates; and, in this soil of your spirit they will take root and grow. And, the fruit, the bitter fruit, is restlessness.”

The Lord says, “Therefore, quiet yourselves before Me at the first sign of distress. Come back into Me and KNOW, experience, that I AM GOOD and My Love, My Mercy endures forever.”

“Say to your soul, ‘My portion is abundant and my cup overflows. Say, ‘My territory, my land, my LIFE is secure, and pleasant-a place of green pastures and pure, still waters. I am safe and ALL IS WELL.”

“Claim big things, great things. At the first sign of discomfort or fear of lack, claim big things, great things. For I AM the God of INHERITANCE, and I give you ETERNAL PLEASURES at My Right Hand. Your inheritance is DELIGHTFUL. It is FULL OF DELIGHT. You lack nothing. Know this, claim this.” Says the Lord.

“Come back into Me,” says the Lord, “and be still. Then you will begin to sense, to feel every fiber of your being coming back into the place of alignment. That place of JOY only found in My Presence. This is MY REST. Come quickly. At the first hint of restlessness, stop everything and ENTER INTO ME. Swiftly come and like a flood My Joy and My Peace will quiet you and renew your strength.”

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