Cultivate Your Heart, Joseph part 7

It is vital that we live from our heart. We were created by God to ‘BE’ and from our place of ‘being’ begin our ‘doing.’ In other words, from the heart flows our actions.

When we come into relationship with God through belief in Christ Jesus, we become partakers of his divine nature (2 Peter 1:4). We partake of, or participate in all that God is, including his heart. Put another way: we already HAVE the heart of God. We don’t have to chase after something we already have, or strive to get what we already own.

But, simply having his heart does not mean we will automatically live from his heart. We must cultivate that ‘seed’ in the soil of our being by focusing on, or fixing our affections and attention on the very character/nature of God.

This clip centers on this. It is the last one in this series as it completes the first part of the word brought at Revival Outreach Center. The rest of that message will follow in the next few days.

But, now I encourage you, my friends. You ARE good soil and the heart of the Father is IN you. You lack nothing. Be blessed.

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