Climbing to Higher Ground

Last night, my Donna and I kicked back, relaxed, and watched a movie. It was wonderful. However, as the evening went on, I began to not feel well. It was an internal unsettling and weariness. Almost like a feeling of exhaustion after a long trip. You know the feeling? Been plugging along, then you stop and–whump–you feel like the stuffing’s been kicked out of you?
I suspect there are many who are feeling just this way during these tumultuous days. Some have been traveling the road of faith for a long, long time. Well, I have some good news for us all this morning. For, I hear the Lord saying:

“Don’t stop climbing. Do not allow a sense of settlement, or a feeling of ‘good enough’ enter your hearts. For, I have greater glory to show you, greater gifts to give you.” “You are on a wondrous path, a path rising ever higher into My Realms of Glory. And, you are doing well. You are faithfully following this path, not out of duty; but, out of love. You are following with a deep sense of excitement and expectancy..climb on.”
“Even now, I place before you on this path-wonderful places of rest, places where the ‘narrow way’ is parted, the view opens before you, and you see the beauty of My Kingdom.” “But, these places are not your destination. They are only the foretaste of you destination. Therefore, do not be satisfied where you are at; but, climb on. Do not be like so many of My children who come to these places of rest, and stop. They put down their stakes, set up their tents, settle down to live a comfortable life. They do not know, they do not see or understand that the greater glory is yet to be revealed, for the path yet climbs higher.” Papa says, “I do love these children of Mine. I do show them wonderful beauty of My Kingdom. But, I am saddened because I have so much more, so much more to show, to give.” “But,” says Papa, “you are not like these. You are not satisfied with where you are at. You long for more..the greater glory, the GREATER GLORY. Therefore, I say to you again, My children…climb on!”
“Do not become weary on this path. Yes, it is at times steep. It is at times hard. Yes, it is a NARROW PATH. But, it is a worthy path, a path of glory. It is a path made in such a way that every step you take produces in you strength..strength of character, strength of faith, strength of courage. A path that rises ever higher. And as it rises the natural air becomes thin..your breathing becomes labored, for you are being conditioned and adapted to a new air..the rarefied air of Heaven. You are being TRANSFORMED. Therefore, do not become discouraged; for, I AM conditioning you–changing you in every way, so that you will be fully adapted to the HIGH PLACES. So that, like Me, you will leap upon the mountains and bound across the hills. For, I have called you to TAKE THE MOUNTAINS. I have called you to live in MY GREATER GLORY.”
The Lord says, “Therefore, stretch forth your hands to the heavens. Lift your eyes toward MY GREATER GLORY. Say often, ‘MORE, LORD, MORE!’ Say it until it becomes like a cadence to your step, like a beating of your heart. For, I say to you, My children, with every step-more is released…climb on, climb on.”
“But, know this too. The path is NOT a never ending path. This narrow path, narrow way, is NOT one that goes on forever. For, just as a mountain path reaches the summit, so too does this path. And, the narrow way is opening..the path is widening..the summit is near. And, swiftly, suddenly you will break through and be surprised at the MAJESTY before you. Your breath will catch inside you, and praise will leap forth with a shout. Swiftly, I AM bringing you into MY GREATER GLORY..Then, you will look back at the trail behind, you will then laugh at what you thought was so hard..and you will truly LEAP UPON THE MOUNTAINS in VICTORY….climb on.”

Yes, let’s continue to climb’s a wonderful journey with a WONDERFUL GOD!! Be blessed.

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