A New Day is Dawning, Creative Fulfillment is Coming

“Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart. He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn, the justice of your cause like the noonday sun. Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him…For evil men will be cut off, but those who hope in the Lord will inherit the land.” (Psalm 37:4, 6, 7a, 9)

There is a quiet settling in the atmosphere this early December morning. It’s cold and still dark outside, and warm and still in the house. And, I am finding myself wanting simply to “Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him..”

It is in the quiet that we begin to hear. It is in the quiet that we begin to discern; to receive revelation and wisdom; to gain a deeper sense of “God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” (1 Thess. 5:18)

With that in mind, what is Papa God saying about His will for us? What is on His heart?

I hear the Lord say, “I know the desires of your heart. I know what you hold deep inside, the dreams, the hopes. I also know how you long to have your dreams, your hopes, your desires come to life; and, how often you have been disappointed and frustrated, even hurt and discouraged because what you have longed for has been shoved aside, pushed down, put off.”

“But, take heart, My children. Draw near to Me. Draw very close to Me; for, I AM about to change all that in your life.”

The Lord says, “There is a new day dawning, even now. A day in which your righteousness will shine. A day in which justice will roll like a river; will blaze forth in glory like the sun in all its brilliance at noonday. And, your ’cause’, your DESTINY, will be brought forth. Even now this is happening. There is a birthing taking place within you. And, soon, very soon, you will hold in your hands the child of desire.”

“Therefore, quiet yourselves before Me. Wait, wait. Do not let your hearts be troubled, for I have not forgotten My covenant made with you. I have not forgotten My plans, My thoughts about you and for you. Draw near to Me, My children.”

“For the plans of evil men are being cut off. The scheming of wicked men done in darkness is being brought into the light, and being brought down to ruin. For, I AM the God of Righteousness, I AM the God of Justice, I AM the God of Light and Life, I AM the God of Covenant and the God of Inheritance and Eternal Pleasures.”

The Lord says, “This new year is a year of ‘Creative Fulfillment’. It will be a year in which I will pour out, I will GIVE YOU, the desires of your heart.”

“It will be a year in which Creativity will flow like a stream filled with Spring rains. This Creativity will literally be your dreams taking on flesh, your longings fulfilled. And, your joy will be like that of a mother holding her newborn child in her arms. Great will be your JOY. And, you will move forward in the land carrying your inheritance, walking in your destiny with power and authority. And, the enemy will fall back before you. And, you will fill the land with My Glory.” Says the Lord.

The Lord says, “Therefore, My children, lift your heads, open your eyes, open your ears. Be very attentive to what I AM doing and what I AM saying to you in this NEW year. For, I AM making all things new.”

“Do not rely on the old patterns; but, watch for and grab hold of new patterns. Do not heed old voices; but, LISTEN, LISTEN-for I AM speaking a NEW SOUND. I AM releasing a Glory far greater than before. It will come in ways you do not expect. If you keep close to Me-if you keep awake with your eyes and ears open-you will hear and see glorious things. A new release of a glorious inheritance is at hand.”

“But, you MUST be alert. You MUST delight yourselves IN ME. You MUST draw near to Me and seek Me, My Kingdom, My righteousness as never before.”

“For I AM opening the doors to the storehouses of Heaven. I AM dispatching My angels to you. They are carrying wonderful gifts and their orders are specific: to bring these gifts, gifts of desire, gifts of destiny, to you SWIFTLY. To pour out upon you INCREASE!

“Therefore, lift your heads, My children. Be filled with JOY. Be filled with ME.”

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