I Want to Hear the Voice of the Lord


    I grew up in a Christian home with a strong belief in the Bible as the inerrant, infallible Word of God. I was taught and became convinced the Bible is the way that God speaks to us today. By reading, studying, memorizing and obeying God’s Word we know fully what He wants to say to us about life. There was not a framework in my faith for the idea that God talks with us now. To hear the voice of God and talk with Him like a friend did not fit my paradigm.

    Yet, there was something that seemed to hover off to the side, or in the background-a sense of a voice whispering, speaking to me always inviting me to come closer and enter a deeper life with God.

    I knew in my heart there’s much more to a relationship than reading, studying and memorizing words in a book. Understanding and obeying a book is not living in relationship with the author of that book. Don’t misunderstand me. I do believe the Bible is God’s Word. Reading and meditating on Scripture is food for our souls and builds faith. God does reveal His heart for us through His Word; but, He didn’t give it to us and then go silent. He is continually speaking–and, I want to hear what He has to say. I want to hear His voice.

The Voice of Our Beloved-a Voice of Ecstatic Pleasure

“The voice of my beloved! Behold, he comes leaping upon the mountains, skipping upon the hills…My beloved spoke, and said to me: “Rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away..” (Song of Songs 2:8,10)

    One of the major reasons we do not hear the voice of God is that we are focused on, or better-tuned to the wrong frequency. A religious mindset resonates with a frequency that sees God as distant, controlling, demanding, critical and fault finding, sin-focused, angry, vengeful, rule and regulation driven will never let us close enough to hear His voice. There must be a shift.

    The Beloved hears His voice because she is drawn to the joyful, ecstatic pleasures that flow from her Lover, her Bridegroom King. He is leaping and skipping upon every high place, coming to us with exuberant joy, filled with passionate Love.

    How tragic to go through life separated from Love all because of religious beliefs that preach everything but love, fostering an orphan spirit in the hearts of the very ones God passionately desires!

    But, how beautiful is the explosion of Light that tears the veil of separation the moment we hear God’s Voice! How expansive is the movement deep within our hearts the moment we embrace our Dancing, Leaping, Loving Lord of Glorious Grace, who is rejoicing over us with ecstatic singing!

The Voice of Our Lover-a Call to Intimacy

        We become attuned to hearing God’s Voice by fostering an atmosphere of intimacy. The Bible does play an important role by providing a platform for meditation and illumination of God’s heart; but, there must be a yielding to the Lordship of Holy Spirit, an offering of ourselves as a sacrifice of worship and praise. We must be still before our King with an expectation of His pleasure and delightful love. We must embrace the truth-He rejoices over us with singing and longs for deep, intimate communion.

    Holy Spirit is calling us now:

 “Open ears to hear! Open ears to hear! Hear now the Voice of Love! Hear now the Sound of Light! Hear now the Colors of Glory! Hear now the Songs of deliverance, healing and joy!”
“Open eyes to see! See now your Dancing King, the true Lord of the Dance! Open eyes to see! Behold the Flames of Glorious Dance!”
“Be caught up! Enter the whirlwind! Rise up! Rise up! On the Thermal Wind-rise up and join the Dance!”



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