Prince of Peace

Proverbs 4:25-27: “Let your eyes look straight ahead, fix your gaze directly before you. Make level paths for your feet and take only ways that are firm. Do not swerve to the right or the left; keep your foot from evil.”

I am thinking about distractions at the moment. Found it interesting how the dictionary defines ‘distract/distraction’: “Divert-to draw to a different object or in divergent directions at once. Harass-to stir up or confuse with conflicting emotions or motives. Mental confusion.”

I can relate. With so much going on in our world today, it’s easy to find myself going a lot of different directions at the same time. It’s easy to begin to feel like the proverbial gerbil stuck in it’s little, spinning wheel, going around and around, not getting anywhere at all.

And, in it all, I hear God ask, “Where is your heart?”

The Lord says, “Now is the time to refocus. Now is the time to simplify. Now is the time to come back to your First Love.”

“There are many voices speaking all around you, presenting you with many paths to take. Like a siren’s seductive call they beckon you to follow. Their voices are so sweet; their words are so attractive; the paths they set before you offer such promise.”

“And you, My children, have allowed these voices to speak loudly, and they have drowned out My Voice. Like static in the air, they have sought to silence My Voice. You have allowed this, and it has released within you a spirit of confusion, of fear, of doubt. And you, My children, have tried to follow the many paths. But, these have only lead you into greater and greater frustration, discouragement, and restless labor.”

The Lord says, “Therefore, My children, return to Me. Fix your eyes upon Me-refocus. Return to your First Love. For, I AM the PRINCE OF PEACE; I AM the GOD OF REST; I AM the CHRIST IN YOU THE HOPE OF GLORY.”

“I AM calling you to silence all other voices but Mine. For My sheep HEAR My Voice. The Voice like that of many waters, like that of the trumpet call, like that of the rushing wind, like the soft breeze and quiet whisper. It is the Voice that speaks to you in the night with words of PEACE and REST. It is the Voice that speaks to you in the daylight with words of WISDOM and PURPOSE. It is the Voice that speaks TRUTH in a world filled with lies. It is the Voice that speaks DESTINY and INHERITANCE in a world filled with hopelessness and poverty. It is the Voice that speaks of ADOPTION and SON SHIP in a world dominated by the orphan spirit. It is the Voice that speaks LIFE in a world filled with death. It is the Voice of LIBERTY in a world of bondage and slavery.”

The Lord says, “So therefore, My children, open your eyes, look straight ahead, fix your gaze directly before you. Allow nothing to divert, or cloud your vision; and, as you do you will see what I see; and your path will, once again, become firm and straight.”

“Let not your hearts be troubled,” says the Lord, “But, be filled with MY PEACE. My PEACE I give to you. It is not the world’s peace; which is only shadow with no substance. No, it is MY PEACE; which passes all understanding, and brings life abundant.”

“Therefore,” says the Lord, “STOP! In the midst of all that would distract you, STOP. Return to the place of the heart, to the place of My PRESENCE; and, in that place know PEACE once again. I AM the PRINCE OF PEACE!

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