The Mountains of High Praise for the Release of Glory


I was sitting with the Lord and he gave me a vision. He took me to a high place and showed me a view of majestic snow capped mountains. The Lord said to me, “These are the Mountains of High Praise for the release of My Glory.” I stood transfixed by the beauty I saw. And I heard worship and praise filling the atmosphere, and it began to intensify. Suddenly I heard an explosion, like a ‘sonic-boom’, or clap of thunder that echoed across the mountains. They began to violently shake, and as they did they split open and water began to pour out like a flood.

I was shaking as I watched the water pour out and cascade down the mountains. This was water I’ve never seen before. It was vibrantly clear and mixed with fire. I kept watching and saw wine begin to mix with the water and fire. I knew at once it was wine for I smelled the fragrance so sweet I could taste it.

The Lord held me in this place, and said to me:


“I am shaking the mountains on high. I am moving with power in response to your worship. You are being lifted higher and higher, My Beloved, to new levels of Holy Praise” says the Lord.

“Behold the mountains, the mountains of glory, the mountains of praise. They have opened up in response to the “VOLUME” of your praise; and , I am pouring out of Myself like a flood in the Sound of Your praise. Your song and My Song are being made one.” Says the Lord.

There’s an important word the Lord used – VOLUME. He is not speaking about “amplitude” or loudness. There is a place for that-the shouts of praise, the blast of trumpets, the thunder of drums. These play a vital part in what we call a “breaker anointing”, and have tremendous power in the Lord. But God is speaking here of the amount of substance within a container.

For instance, the volume of a container is understood to be the capacity of the container-the amount of fluid the container can hold.

This brings me back to a word the Lord gave some time ago about Wells of Inheritance and the Artesian Flow of Saturation Blessing. I won’t go into that word here; however, an artesian well brings water to the surface by the increase of volume under pressure which causes a powerful outpouring of water. The Wells of Inheritance have been opened and there is a powerful flow of Blessing rising to the surface..a powerful outpouring of Blessing is coming upon the Church!

This is what Holy Spirit showed me in this vision of the Mountains. The unity of the Body in worship is increasing in volume-the ‘symphoneo‘, agreement in the Spirit. And, God is responding. He is taking us to a whole new level of anointing for the glorious days ahead.

The water, fire and wine are all facets of God Himself.

“And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, that I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh.” (Acts 2;17)

God is pouring out of Himself like a flood upon the mountains of worship and praise.

I declare over you right now: “The Lord is increasing your volume. Your song is being awakened, activated and expanded in an ever increasing fullness of the Presence of the Lord. Your song shall rise in unity with the Song of the Lord – a glorious symphony of worship is being released in the House of the Lord. And, the Lord is taking you higher and higher to the pinnacle, to the high place of Miracle Praise.”

I declare over you, “In the coming days you will taste and see the goodness of the Lord in ways you never have dreamed possible-beyond your imagination, beyond all you could ever ask. For the Lord is now, even now pouring out upon you the Water, the Fire, the Wine-the fullness of Himself.”

I declare that we shall experience a torrent of Glory in the coming days..Worship! Worship! Worship in Spirit! Worship in Truth! Be filled. Let the volume of your praise expand–be filled and release your worship! From this place we shall see such glory–new levels of anointing awaits us. Worship the Lord!


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