Let the Dance Begin

Are you feeling a stirring in your heart for spiritual things? The ‘status-quo’ of church life and the mundane, surface daily routines of life are leaving a real void, and you are looking for something more?

There is a reason. We are being awakened to the Presence of the Lord in this hour in very powerful ways. As the Church Age comes to a close and the Kingdom Age unfolds, there is a shifting and moving in our hearts for the tangible reality of God’s Presence.

We are being drawn in an ever deepening intimacy with the Lord, and to ascend with Him to the high places of worship. it’s here that we find ourselves, for we have found Him!

This is vitally important. Embracing the heart of God is the pathway into deeper places of Glory and the fulfillment of life itself

I invite you to listen to this meditation on Song of Songs 8–(“Let the Dance Begin”)–God desires dance with you in the high place of the sky!

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