Endless Sea

“The voice of the Lord is over the waters” (Psalm 29:3)

“He upholds the universe by the word of his power.” (Heb. 1:3)


The Deep

Lately, I’ve been pondering a growing image of a vast ocean.

This ocean is beyond our ability to comprehend. We can’t measure distance or map it’s boundaries. We have no way to discern its surface or find its bottom. It is a sea in which every created thing in the universe exists. Everything, including you and I, live and move and have our being in this ocean. Like fish in the sea, this is our home and we cannot exist apart from it.

What is this ocean?

It is an ocean of infinite frequencies of light and sound.

Everything in the universe is energy moving according to frequencies. But, where do they come from?  Science, especially quantum physics, recognizes the necessity of a First Cause, something outside of the universe that created everything. We who believe know this First Cause is God, the uncreated, self-existent One who creates and holds all things together with absolute perfection.

Scripture begins with this reality: “In the beginning God created….”

Then goes on to speak of God’s creative work, “..and God said, “Let there be light”. 

Those words speak to me of the frequencies of sound and light which form the essence of every created thing. This is the SOUND OF HEAVEN, the Voice of the Lord, the Life of God Eternal. And, it is personified in the Word, the Son of God, himself. The opening of John’s gospel says:

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through Him all things were made; without Him nothing was made that has been made.” (John 1:1-3)

Now, although we read those words in a ‘past tense’ manner,  this creative work of God was not a one time event. God did not speak in a moment of time and go silent. His “Let there be” is an eternal NOW. His creating, His voice releasing light, is an eternal continuum. All things exist, hold together, in the sea of the Sound of Heaven by the continual voice of the Eternal Word. As the writer of Hebrews says; it is the Son of God, who,  “…upholds the universe by the word of His power.” (Hebrews 1:3)

Our Place in the Deep

In my image, I am seeing every created thing in this sea fitting within a ‘sphere’, a set of boundaries carefully designed for its identity and purpose. One way to look at this is in the language used of God’s creative work. He creates each thing, “according to its kind.” A fish is a fish, a bird is a bird, tree a tree, and so forth. While all have the same source of life, each is unique in its own way; and, the most unique in identity and purpose is man.

In all of Creation, only man is made in God’s image. We are created to create, to actively engage and expand our sphere, to push the boundaries. We alone have the capacity for transformation into the fullness of the image of God we carry in our DNA. Paul writes it this way:

“And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect (or ‘contemplate’)  the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.” (2 Cor. 3:18)

Created to Go Deep

This has everything to do with our uniquely designed sphere of influence. Every particle of our being is filled with the Sound of Heaven. The purpose of the sphere is to position us so that we will focus on and engage those frequencies that will deepen our intimate relationship with God and in doing so be transformed into the fullness of who we are and why we are here.

I am using ‘frequencies’ as the physical image of a spiritual reality. We are created to hear God’s voice (sound) and see His face (light). The more we resonate with Him; or, the more in alignment with Him we are,  the more vibrant and abundant our lives become.

Deep Calling to Deep

There are no shortcuts to experiencing this reality. The Voice of the Lord IS over the waters; but we will not hear His voice if our focus is on the waters. The ‘waters’ stand for the ocean of our existence; and, the enemy likes nothing better than to stir up these waters; to cause great disturbance and distortion within us so that we are not resonating with the heart of God. But, know this: the enemy can only stir the surface. He can never go below to touch the deep.

Again, think of the ocean. There may be great storms raging at the surface; but, under the surface great calm. There is powerful movement in the deep places; but, never chaos. The deeper we go not only do we experience greater peace, we will also be opened to wonders and mysteries never known at the surface. “I will give you the treasures of darkness, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the Lord…” (Isaiah 45:3)

God is always calling us to go deep into Him. In this hour of great turmoil and upheaval (perhaps the greatest in our life as a nation, and culture), there is a stirring in the hearts of the Redeemed of the Lord, an awakening to who we truly are in Christ and He in us. It is a ‘returning’ to our First Love and a ‘re-tuning’ within the Sound of Heaven that we might once again hear His voice and see His face.

This is the Great Awakening. As the Beloved turns from the raging of the world to seek out her Lover; and, in finding Him, to abandon all for the sake of ever deepening union in Him, the two becoming one. In this Holy Place, all is Light, and shall be the Light of the world as she resonates ever increasingly with the Sound of Heaven, the heart of God, and begins to release His Light into the earth realm shattering all darkness.

“Wake up, O sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.”

“For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light.”



















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