Divine Healers for Desperate Times

There are powerful truths that God reveals to us that have everything to do with our very destiny as his children.

One is found in Genesis 1:26–“Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness….”. A truth that reveals the very DNA we carry that has never been removed. We carry the very DNA of God.

The other can be seen in Jesus Christ, who emptied himself of every divine prerogative as the divine Son of God to take on full and complete humanity as the Son of Man. And in all this, he lived in this earth realm which he created completely submitted, yielded to Holy Spirit and did only what he saw his Father doing.

Jesus modeled for us; was our ‘example’ of how we can live. He literally came to be the ‘first born of many brothers’.

The following video is a message brought to Revival Outreach Center, Dover, FL on Sunday, June 3–it is my hope that it will be blessing and inspiration to you.

Truly, we are called to do the very works of our Father even as Jesus did….Bless you!

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