Take Me Deeper

What an amazing Thanksgiving Donna and I had! Every moment filled with such an abundance of JOY. I am feeling that joy even now–deepening with every breath. And, now I’m hearing the Lord say to me, “Go deep”–and, I am saying, “YES, LORD” How about you? There’s such a powerful sense of expectancy in the Body of Christ. If you are one who wants MORE, who wants the deeper things of God…read on. I believe Papa has a word for us this beautiful morning…..

In the gospel of Luke, Jesus told Peter, “Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.” (5:4) Then, a bit later said, “..no one puts new wine into old wineskins; or else the new wine will burst the wineskins and be spilled, and the wineskins will be ruined. But new wine must be put into new wineskins, and both are preserved.” (5:37-38)
And, Psalm 42:7 says, “deep calls unto deep at the noise of Your waterfalls; all Your waves and billows have gone over me.”

Was wondering about these verses, and how they tie together…I am hearing Papa saying, “These are the days of great movement. Like the movement of the ocean..wave after wave, rolling and churning. Many are looking at all this movement, and are filled with fear. The waves seem so large, so uncontrollable. And, they draw back away from the edge; they say, ‘now is not the time to go forward, for the water is too violent, the waves too high.’ They say, ‘look for a safe harbor till the storm passes and the waters quiet down.'” “But, My children, do not look as others look, for what others see is only the surface. For, as it is with the ocean–when you go ‘deep’, down under the surface, all changes. The waves, the billows, are quieted and a vast realm of wonder awaits.” “Therefore, My children, look beyond the surface. Let your eyes be opened to a greater realm of wonder,” says the Lord.
“For I AM calling you to LAUNCH OUT INTO THE DEEP. I AM calling you to GO DEEP FOR A CATCH. For a great harvest awaits you.” “It is a harvest, a catch, of great provision. For, it is in the DEEP that My abundant provision is found. It is in the deep places of My Kingdom that your inheritance is found. It is waiting for you. Waiting to be CAUGHT, to be LAID HOLD OF, CAPTURED.” “Therefore, I say to you, LAUNCH OUT INTO THE DEEP. Go deep under the surface. Go beyond what others say is real to lay hold of a greater reality. The reality of My Kingdom. And the reality of your abundant inheritance that is available to you and waiting for you.”
“But,” says the Lord, “to lay hold of all this wonder, all this vast abundance, requires that you THROW YOURSELVES ENERGETICALLY INTO MY DEEP. That you cast off all that would anchor you to shore, and plunge into My Deep Waters.” The Lord says, “Do not say, ‘But, Lord, how will we survive? How will we be able to live, to move, to breathe in the deep waters?'” “Do not fear the deep places. Yes, they are of a different atmosphere; and, yes, without Me you would not be able to live and move and breathe there. But, I AM clothing you with garments that give you the ability to live and move and breathe without hindrance. These garments are literally the NEW WINESKINS..I AM clothing your earth-suit with My Kingdom Water suit, and you will dive deep–deep into the WONDER REALM, and you will lay hold of treasures, vast treasures, beyond your wildest dreams and imaginations.” “These treasures,” says the Lord, “are your inheritance, and they are waiting for you. And, you will lay hold of them, and you will bring them back up to the surface with you. And, you will show them to all those who are on the shore-those who, filled with fear and doubt, have sought what they thought was a safe-harbor, safe from the stormy seas. And, you will amaze them with these treasures.” “And, you will take them by the hand and pull them into the deep with you. You will say to them, ‘Come, taste and see that Lord is good!’–And, all those who take your hand, who go deep with you, will also find the wondrous joys of My Kingdom. And, they will also come back from the deep to take the hands of many others..and lead many more into My Kingdom.”
“For these are the days of great movement. I AM moving the waters. I AM moving the waters with MY GLORY..and I AM calling you into these waters for a great, amazing harvest…therefore, My children, hear My Voice, and LAUNCH INTO THE DEEP…GO DEEP, GO DEEP!!

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